Kathy Walker uses her years of training in visual diagnosis, testing for environmental sensitivities, genetically inherited disease tendencies, and food sensitivities to comprehensively evaluate the overall health of each client. Testing is done using information on current diet, symptoms, medications or supplements, and the health history of the client and their family.

You will be provided with detailed recommendations for health and lifestyle modifications, as well as a list of Personal Vibrational Remedies. The remedies are available from Kathy Walker in person or by mail. Programs usually last for approximately 1-2 months, after which time you may wish to be re-tested to fine tune and update your program.

Health Information Form

We request that you fill out the Health Information Form prior to your initial consultation. You are now able to submit your health information through our secure site online. Please include your full name and how to contact you. Click here to go directly to the form.

For phone consultations, please complete the form online, then send an email to me along with a photo.

For in person consultations, please call or email to make an appointment first. Then, complete the Health Information Form. A saliva sample is not needed.

Cost of Personal Consultation: $260, includes up to four remedies, and all taxes.